Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Mas Ippho Santosa Menyapa Malang

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullah Wabarakatuhu.

Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin. All praises be to Allah. The Almighty, The owner of this universe.
Oke, I wanna teel you something that happen today. I am very, very happy, cause I meet my idola motivator. Who is he? Yes, Ippho Santosa. I have been waiting this seminar for two years. My praise was granted by Allah SWT. As usually, four days ago I online on social media facebook and twitter. I followed Mas Ippho's account and I always monitor the status. I find in the news status that he will go to Malang to held seminar. Woooow.. without a doubt I call the number listed, I asked how much the price of the ticket and where the seminar will be held?. After getting the information, I transfer some money to buy a ticket and I was so impatient to immediately meet with Mas Ippho.

And today I have met with him. I was able to shake hands with him. I've been getting knowledge of him. And most importantly, I've been getting a new spirit to do good and keep the spirit and always positive minded. I praise to Allah that once day I can meet again with Mas Ippho Santosa and the other mentors who I can learn the knowledge to be better situation. Aamiin.. Mas Ippho thanks for knoledge given to me, hopefully you always healthty and spread of kindness.

For all reader who read this posting I recomend you to read Mas Ippho's works. Such as 7 Keajaiban Rezeki, Percepatan Rezeki, Hanya 2 Menit, Moslem Millionaire and other work. You always can see his profile from his official website.

Oke, wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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